Why Women Face Challenges for Weight Loss?

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Written By devendra

Devendra is a lifestyle explorer with a deep passion for the rich tapestry of Indian culture and festivals. His fascination with traditions and customs is matched only by his enthusiasm for technology, where he delves into the latest tech gadgets with zeal.

Weight management remains a critical concern for many, but women face unique challenges that can make losing weight more difficult compared to men. Women face a variety of unique challenges when it comes to weight loss, often making the process more difficult compared to men. These challenges can be attributed to biological, hormonal, and lifestyle factors. In this article we discuss the scientific and practical factors contributing to these difficulties,helping women gain a better grasp of their weight loss journey.

Gender Differences in Weight Loss

One of the primary factors affecting weight loss is the difference in physical structure between men and women. Men typically have a higher percentage of lean muscle mass and a larger surface area, which contributes to a higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). According to dietitian and wellness expert Divya Prakash, this means men can burn more calories during physical activities compared to women. For instance, a man might burn approximately 300 calories in a specific exercise duration, while a woman might burn only 180 calories.

Key Differences in Weight Loss Between Men and Women:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)Higher due to more muscle massLower due to higher body fat percentage
Fat DistributionVisceral fat (easier to lose, around the abdomen)Subcutaneous fat (harder to lose, around hips/thighs)
Hormonal InfluenceTestosterone promotes muscle growth and fat lossEstrogen promotes fat storage, especially during reproductive years
Weight Loss EfficiencyFaster initial weight loss due to higher calorie burnSlower initial weight loss, fewer calories burned during exercise
Exercise ResponseHigher caloric expenditure during physical activityLower caloric expenditure during the same activity
Impact of Menstrual CycleNot applicableWeight fluctuations due to hormonal changes, especially during menstruation
Age-Related MetabolismGradual decline with agePronounced decline during menopause, leading to increased abdominal fat
Challenges in Weight LossMotivated by performance-based goalsEmotional eating, cravings, and aesthetic-focused goals
Menopause ImpactNot applicableSignificant weight gain due to decreased estrogen levels
Weight Loss Between Men and Women

Hormonal Influences

Hormonal fluctuations play a significant role in weight loss for women. The menstrual cycle can cause temporary weight increases ranging from 700 grams to 1 kilogram due to fluid retention and hormonal changes. These fluctuations can add complexity to weight loss and make it challenging for women to maintain a consistent weight. Additionally, women experience various hormonal changes throughout life, such as menopause and pregnancy, which can affect weight loss..

Dr. Nawal of AIMS Hospital highlights that these hormonal shifts, which are not experienced by men, contribute to the difficulties women face in managing their weight. The impact of these hormonal changes can vary from woman to woman, depending on individual health conditions and lifestyle factors.

Sweating and Weight Loss

Sweating is a common method people use to try to lose weight quickly. Divya Prakash explains that sweating can lead to a loss of approximately 1 kilogram per liter of sweat. However, relying on sweating as a weight loss strategy is not recommended due to potential risks such as dehydration. Moreover, the difference in sweating between genders also plays a role; men generally sweat more due to their larger surface area.

Dr. Nawal of AIMS Hospital supports this view, emphasizing that hormonal fluctuations before and during menstruation, as well as post-pregnancy, influence weight changes. These hormonal shifts are not present in men and contribute to the challenges women face in managing their weight effectively.

Metabolic Rate and Lean Muscle Mass

Women generally have a lower BMR compared to men, which means they burn fewer calories at rest. This is partly due to lower levels of lean muscle mass. Since lean muscle contributes to a higher metabolic rate, women may find it more challenging to achieve the same calorie expenditure as men, impacting their overall weight loss efforts.

Practical Considerations

Despite these challenges, weight loss is not impassable for women. Anoop Mishra, Chairman of Fortis Hospital’s CDOC, says that while weight loss can be influenced by factors such as fluid retention during the menstrual cycle, weight loss can still be achieved through a balanced diet and consistent exercise. For younger women with lower body fat, weight loss is generally more reasonable.

To effectively lose weight, it is important to create a calorie loss, which requires burning approximately 7,200 calories to shed 1 kilogram. This can be achieved through a combination of dietary adjustments, physical activity, and feeling individual metabolic needs.

Read More About- Macro Diet for Weight Loss


Women face unique challenges when it comes to losing weight, largely due to differences in physiology, hormonal changes, and varying metabolic rates. By recognizing these factors, women can create more effective weight loss plans. Emphasizing a balanced approach—incorporating nutritious eating, consistent exercise, and how respond their bodies —can help women tackle these challenges and achieve their weight loss goals.

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