Mithila Makhana: Snack for Weight Loss and Digestive Health

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Written By devendra

Devendra is a lifestyle explorer with a deep passion for the rich tapestry of Indian culture and festivals. His fascination with traditions and customs is matched only by his enthusiasm for technology, where he delves into the latest tech gadgets with zeal.

Do you want to include healthy and tasty ingredients in your daily diet? The best option for you is Makhana. Mithila Makhana is also called lotus flower or fox nuts in English. This is a very good option for eating, which has many benefits. Makhana is rich in essential nutrients like protein, fiber, magnesium, and calcium, which you can easily include in your food. You can also take Makhana as lunch.

Makhana is low in calories and is also rich in antioxidants, which boosts the immunity of our body and is helpful in fighting other diseases. The high fiber content in Makhana aids digestion and makes you feel full, making it quite helpful in weight loss. Makhana is gluten-free and also has less sodium, due to which it becomes important for those people who follow a diet. The colour of Makhana is white or it can also be of elephant teeth colour.

You can easily include Makhana in your food. You can also fry it and take it with chatepate masala. The taste of Makhana is like light walnut, which is liked more by people. Why not include Makhana in your diet and know the benefits of this healthy and nutritious food?

Nutritional value of Makhana

Makhana, also known as fox nuts or lotus seeds, is a nutritious food. Makhana is gaining popularity around the world. It is a good source of several nutrients, including:

  • Protein: Makhana is a good source of plant-based protein, with about 9.7 grams per 100 grams.
  • Fiber: Makhana is also a good source of fiber, with about 14.5 grams per 100 grams. Fiber is important for digestive health and can help to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Carbohydrates: Makhana is a good source of complex carbohydrates, which provide long-lasting energy.
  • Minerals: Makhana is a good source of several minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Calcium is important for bone health, magnesium is important for muscle function and blood sugar control, potassium is important for blood pressure control, and phosphorus is important for energy production.
  • Antioxidants: Makhana contains antioxidants, which can help to protect cells from damage.

Here is a table Details the nutritional value of 100 grams of makhana:

Sure, here’s the information in a table format:

Protein9.7 grams
Fat0.1 grams
Carbohydrates76.9 grams
Fiber14.5 grams
Calcium80 mg
Magnesium49 mg
Potassium162 mg
Phosphorus168 mg
Nutrient Details

Makhana is a healthy and delicious snack that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It can be roasted, boiled, or fried and can also be added to soups, stews, curries and salads. The versatile nature of makhana makes it an ideal choice for any diet.

Health benefits of Makhana

Makhana, or fox nuts, offer a variety of potential health benefits due to their nutrient profile. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Rich in nutrients: Makhana is a good source of protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, minerals, and antioxidants. This makes them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.
  • Blood sugar management: Some research suggests that makhana may help regulate blood sugar levels, potentially beneficial for those with diabetes or prediabetes.
  • Weight Loss: The protein and fiber content in makhana can promote feelings of fullness and satisfaction, which may aid in weight loss efforts.
  • Anti-aging properties: Makhana’s antioxidants may help combat free radicals and oxidative stress, potentially slowing the aging process and promoting healthy skin.
  • Heart health: The presence of magnesium and potassium in makhana may contribute to heart health by supporting healthy blood pressure and muscle function.
  • Digestive health: The fiber in makhana can promote regularity and a healthy digestive system.
  • Bone health: Makhana is a good source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth.
  • Other potential benefits: Makhana is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may be helpful for conditions like arthritis. Additionally, some people consume makhana for improved kidney health and fertility, although more research is needed in these areas.

It’s important to note that most studies on makhana benefits are preliminary, and more research is needed to confirm their effectiveness. However, incorporating makhana into your diet as part of a healthy lifestyle can be a nutritious choice.

Makhana as a weight loss snack

Makhana has potential as a weight-loss-friendly snack! Here’s why:

  • Low in calories and fat: A serving of makhana (around 50 grams) typically contains only around 180 calories with minimal fat, making it a guilt-free snack option compared to processed snacks.
  • High in protein and fiber: Makhana packs a protein punch, which helps you feel fuller for longer and reduces cravings. The fiber content also contributes to satiety and promotes healthy digestion, preventing unhealthy snacking.
  • Low glycemic index: Makhana has a low glycemic index (GI), meaning it doesn’t cause blood sugar spikes that can lead to crashes and increased hunger pangs. This makes it a better choice than sugary snacks.

Overall, makhana can be a valuable addition to your weight-loss journey as a filling and nutritious snack. Remember, a healthy diet and exercise routine are key for successful Weight Loss.

Makhana for better digestion

Makhana shows promise in help better digestion for a few reasons:

  • High in Fiber: Makhana is a good source of dietary fiber, containing roughly 14.5 grams per 100 grams. Fiber acts like a bulking agent in your digestive system, promoting regularity and smoother passage of food. This can help prevent constipation and bloating.
  • Astringent Properties: In Ayurveda, makhana is considered to have astringent properties, meaning it may have a slightly drying effect. This can be beneficial for those experiencing diarrhea by potentially helping to solidify stool and reduce stool frequency.
  • Easy to Digest: Makhana is generally considered a very easy-to-digest food. This is due to its simple carbohydrate structure and low fat content. This makes it a suitable option for people with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues.

By including makhana in your diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with adequate hydration, you can create an environment that supports a well-functioning digestive system.

Makhana for a healthy heart

Makhana may contribute to a healthy heart in several ways, thanks to its nutrient profile:

  • Mineral Powerhouse: Makhana is rich in minerals like potassium and magnesium. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium. Magnesium supports healthy muscle function, including the heart muscle.
  • Low in Sodium: Makhana is naturally low in sodium, which is crucial for heart health. High sodium intake can contribute to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease.
  • Potentially Lowering Cholesterol: Some animal studies suggest makhana extract may help reduce cholesterol levels. However, more human research is needed to confirm this benefit.
  • Antioxidant Content: Makhana contains antioxidants that may help combat inflammation and free radical damage, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease

Remember, maintaining a healthy weight, managing blood pressure and cholesterol, and not smoking are crucial for a healthy heart. Makhana can be a support to this approach, but it’s not a substitute for these core practices.

Makhana for diabetes management

Makhana is rich in fiber. Fiber plays an important role in diabetes management by slowing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This helps maintain blood sugar. Makhana contains about 14.5 grams of fiber per 100 grams, making it a high-fiber food that can be beneficial when included in a balanced diet.

Makhana is rich in nutrition. So before consuming it as a diet, be sure to seek guidance from a professional dietitian. They can provide personalized advice on portion sizes and how to best integrate makhana into your overall diabetes management plan.

Makhana is highlighted as a versatile food that can be incorporated into various dishes and is particularly beneficial for those managing diabetes.

Makhana for better brain health

Makhana is believed to be helpful in improving brain health, although more research is needed for conclusive results. Here is what we know so far:

Makhana is a good source of thiamine (vitamin B1). Thiamine plays a crucial role in nerve function and supports the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter essential for memory and learning.

Makhana contains antioxidants that may help combat inflammation and free radical damage in the brain. This could potentially reduce the risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

While the presence of thiamine and antioxidants is promising, studies directly linking makhana consumption to improved brain function are scarce. More research is needed to confirm these benefits.

Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important for brain health. Makhana can be a part of it. but consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

How to incorporate Makhana into your daily diet

Makhana’s versatility makes it easy to incorporate into your daily diet. Here are some ideas to get you started:


  • Roasted Makhana: A classic and healthy option. Simply roast makhana with a drizzle of oil and your favorite spices (cumin, chili powder, black pepper) for a crunchy and flavorful snack.
  • Makhana Mix: Combine roasted makhana with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits for a more decadent and satisfying snack mix. You can even add a dash of dark chocolate for an antioxidant boost.
  • Makhana Porridge: Grind roasted makhana into a powder and cook it with milk or plant-based milk for a creamy and filling breakfast porridge. Add fruits, nuts, or a drizzle of honey for extra flavor and nutrients.


  • Soups and Stews: Add makhana to soups and stews for a unique texture and a boost of protein and fiber. They work well in vegetable stews, lentil soups, or chicken noodle soup.
  • Salads: Roasted or popped makhana can add a delightful crunch to your salads. They pair well with leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and a variety of dressings. You can even use crushed makhana as a topping for salads instead of croutons.
  • Stir-fries: Toss makhana into your stir-fries for added protein and texture. They work well with vegetables, tofu, or chicken.

With these ideas, you can easily add the nutritional benefits of makhana to your daily diet and enjoy it in various dishes and snacks.

ALos Read- 10 Essential Nutrition Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle


to include Makhana into your daily diet can provide various health benefits while adding a delicious twist to your meals. Rich in essential nutrients like protein, fiber, magnesium, and calcium, Makhana is the best choice for those seeking healthy and tasty ingredients. It’s low-calorie and high antioxidant minirals boost immunity, aid digestion, and support weight loss, making it ideal for various dietary needs.

Mithila Makhana is a special variety of aquatic fox nut, also known as Makhan, पग-पग पोखर, माछ, मखान “cultivated in the Mithila region of Bihar and Nepal.

Makhana’s versatility allows it to be enjoyed as a snack, in soups, stews, salads, and even stir-fries. By including Makhana in your diet, you can enhance your nutrition and enjoy a range of health benefits, from improved digestion and heart health to better weight management and potential cognitive support.

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